Interview – How Can society 5.0 influence peace in Sudan after Escalating Violence

On 6 June 2019, I made this submission about Society 5.0 to the Productivity Commission of New Zealand on their topic of Technological Change and the Future of Work. Then recently, I was approached by a person whose name and image have been changed below for an interview on Society 5.0. He had found me by googling the term, and I was only one of only two people in New Zealand who had written on the topic.

His name and image have been changed because he is from Sudan. A country that, in mid-April 2023, had a new power struggle between rival military factions battling for control, increasing the risk of a nationwide civil war in that country.

We did two different interviews. Below is my 8-minute interview of him.

The main video interview is in 2 parts with our unnamed Sudan Peace Keeper asked me about Society 5.0, and how this via a more connected world could promote peace. I also talk about the current shift in world consciousness as an awakening to the 5th-dimensional reality, which I dream of as a Society 6.0.

In this interview I talk about an uprising against injustice and inequality that empowers this new more connected world.

This is a shift from ego and lack of integrity to following our heart, connecting, and genuinely caring about others.  We are moving to a next-level, more connected world that ultimately does not have the same struggles.

I discuss the uprising against injustice and inequality that empowers this new, more connected world. A shift from ego and lack of integrity to following our heart, connecting, and genuinely caring about others.  We are moving to a next-level, more connected world that ultimately does not have the same struggles. Time is not as important as we have a connection to all information needing less action. Driven by love and real human connections, 6.0 does exist for some people now, with others walking down the same street and visiting the same shops, yet living in the 4.0 and 5.0 worlds of more stress and struggle.

In this new world, we feel inner trust, the true freedom of total and complete acceptance, and the ability to let go of the need to control things.  Letting go of time pressure to become fully present in the now is the only time that exists, which is part of the expansion and the shifting world towards more peace and less struggle that I call Society 6.0.

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